1. VUM
  2. Corporate Mission

Corporate Mission

  • We provide services for the planning, further development and maintenance of energy infrastructure for a sustainable energy future.
  • Our activities focus on the realization and operation of facilities in the energy industry. In various technical disciplines, we are constantly working to ensure that environmental friendliness and safety are prerequisites when these facilities are planned, implemented and operated.
  • We strive to be successful in the long term. We therefore anticipate economic, technical and social changes and are constantly developing our services and ourselves. In this way, we make a positive contribution to society and the environment.


Our customers are our priority

  • We are a service provider and our long-term success is only possible with a high degree of customer satisfaction – customer focus is therefore our priority.
  • We look for and find solutions to meet the requirements of our customers individually and in the best possible way.
  • This is supported by a quality management system, which we continuously develop and improve.
  • When working for our customers we are highly reliable, flexible as well as solution and performanceoriented while always fostering an open and honest communication.

Our shared responsibility

  • We are committed to the 17 global goals of the United Nations (UN Sustainable Development Goals), which, along with other goals, form the framework for our actions. In this way, we continuously review our influence, we plan and implement measures and evaluate what has been achieved.
  • We do not provide any services where we see contradictions to the Sustainable Development Goals.

We follow basic ethical values

  • We act responsibly and ensure that our actions are understandable and comprehensible. Ethical basic values are essential for us – above all the fair, decent, respectful and appreciative treatment of all our stakeholder groups. Reliability, trust and credibility are essential for us.
  • We comply with applicable law, statutes, other rules and regulations. We stand by our agreements and (contractual) promises, which are binding obligations for us.
  • We do not tolerate unfair business practices and we firmly reject any form of corruption and bribery. We avoid conflicts of interest as far as possible and deal transparently with all situations in which personal and professional interests may collide.
  • In the cooperation with our suppliers and partners as well as in procurement processes, we pay attention to high social, economic and ecological standards.
  • We respect human rights and are committed to international human rights standards. We respect and support – within the scope of our possibilities – all kinds of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. We are committed to fair working conditions and resolutely reject any form of child, forced or compulsory labor. We ensure that we do not participate in human rights abuses.
  • For us, the careful handling of confidential information is a matter of course.


We protect our environment

  • We are committed to protecting the environment and to the careful use of energy and natural resources. We recognize that we can actively contribute to protecting the environment with our services. That is why we are constantly enhancing our services in a targeted manner in order to achieve the greatest possible environmental benefit.
  • We deal with climate change and the loss of biodiversity and integrate them in the further development of our services.
  • Our goal is that a large part of our services contributes to the implementation of the energy revolution and nature conservation projects.
  • We avoid or reduce the adverse effects of our activities on the environment and promote and demand environmentally friendly behavior. These include in particular the sustainable use of energy, environmentally friendly mobility and the avoidance of waste. Preventing environmental pollution is an obligation for us.
  • When procuring products and services, we try to consider the entire life cycle. Wherever possible, we use sustainable alternatives to save resources and protect the environment.
  • We operate an environmental management system that supports continuous improvement of our environmental performance.


We don’t stop

  • Innovation is an essential element for us. This is how we create values for our customers, position ourselves as a company and form the basis for our long-term success.
  • With innovations, we want to make economically relevant contributions to corporate development and open up new fields of activity.
  • Digitization plays a central role for us. Our goal is the efficient design of our services and our processes. Therefore, we would like to successively increase the potential for digitization and implement innovative solutions.


We provide attractive jobs

  • Our employees are our most important success factors. We therefore want to create an attractive working environment.
  • Our work is characterized by respectful interaction with one another, high professional qualifications, personal commitment and identification with and loyalty to our company. Willingness to perform, personal responsibility, independence and initiative are the basis of our actions.
  • Fair pay, compliance with labor law regulations, open communication and the opportunity to actively participate in our further development are important to us.
  • Our aim is that our employees have a high level of competence, that our professional know-how is recognized and that our opinion is taken into account. We work based on recognized scientific and technical principles.
  • We do not want to stand still, that is why we expand our knowledge and skills in a targeted manner, learn from successes and mistakes, question our individual and collective actions and make a constructive contribution to improvement. We support each other and pass on our knowledge to each other.
  • We pay attention to the compatibility of work and private life. This is the only way to create an atmosphere in which the tried and tested remains and new things can be created. With the aim of providing a high degree of flexibility, we try to reconcile the working conditions with the respective life situations of the employees.
  • We are committed to ensuring that future generations can take advantage of their opportunities in scientific and technical areas be it through the training of apprentices, cooperation with educational institutions, specialist internships or through information and further training opportunities.


Diversity and inclusion contribute to success

  • For us, people count – regardless of gender, age, disability, religion, culture, skin color, education, social background, sexual orientation or nationality.
  • We therefore not only resolutely oppose any form of discrimination, bullying or sexual harassment, but also see diversity and inclusion as success factors that we want to use.


We guarantee a safe and healthy workspace

  • We are committed to the greatest possible occupational safety and optimal protection of the health of our employees and all people who are affected by our actions. To this end, we operate an occupational health and safety management system that helps us to continuously improve our performance.
  • We provide safe and healthy working conditions as well as involve and consult employees and their representatives in matters of occupational safety and health protection.
  • We consistently eliminate hazards and minimize existing safety and health risks. This also includes the careful use of our own resources. We strive to avoid physical and mental stress and overload at work.
  • We motivate all employees to do their part to maintain and further improve our level of health and safety.


We work with a system

  • Our integrated management system establishes quality, environmentally-, safety and health-conscious actions systematically and firmly in all areas and in all processes of our company and motivates us to improve our services.
  • Clear structures, responsibilities and objectives in all areas combined with a structured approach to checking effectiveness are the basis of our services.
  • We see it as our obligation to continuously develop and improve our integrated management system.

Questions and the reporting process

  • We take compliance very seriously and attach great importance to fair business practices, integrity and compliance with legal and internal regulations. We trust that all of our employees strive to behave in a legally and ethically impeccable manner.
  • However, should there be any grievances or violations, we definitely want to clarify and work them out. Perceived or suspected compliance incidents can be reported directly or in writing as follows:
    • direct superior(s)
    • managing director(s)
    • VERBUND’s Chief Compliance Officer
  • An additional reporting channel is available with the digital whistleblower platform ( Anonymous information can also be submitted easily and securely via the VERBUND integrity line.